Help others grow in their faith and relationships

Classes & Groups - Lead a class or a group through a passion or intrest that you have

Women's & Men's Ministry - Particiapte in leading some of our events for our ladies and guys throughout the year

MC Kids Ministry 
Early Childhood Team
To teach/assist with preschool - kindergarten in worship, prayer, story, and active learning of the Bible and God’s love for them

Sunday School -  Helping with the leading of our Kid's Sunday School experience

Kidz Korner Leader – To lead during our Kid's Korner experience

Quizzing Team - Help with the Quzzing group and competitions 

The Element - Our once a month gathering with 4-6 graders.  It's a time of connection, games, and a message!

MC Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Leaders – This team is passionate about serving, leading, and loving the next generation of teenagers. They do so through games, intentional relationship, and leading small groups on either Sunday or Wednesday nights

Youth Ministry Meal Team – This team helps provide meals for our students at our monthly ELEMENT & AXIOS NIGHTS. If you want to love the next gen through food (which is a HUGE thing for teenagers) this is the team for you!


Contact the team to get involved!

List some areas of ministry and mission you'd like to serve in!

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