Growing through passion and serving...

We believe that God wants to unleash revival in our world and that it is with the next generation!
We understand that the middle and high school years are the most formative years of a person’s life, so we will strive to be a counter-forming voice - one that empowers students to be who God created them to be, one that speaks God’s truth amidst a noisy, self-focused culture, and one that allows opportunity for spiritual development, meaningful relationships, and serving others.

At Mundy Naz, we also believe that parents are the most important influence in the life of a student and that it is our responsibility as the church to partner with and equip parents as they help their students navigate their personal journeys.

10am - Sunday School
Students reflect on the week they've had and discuss a short devotional.
Bring a friend. Grab some food. Take a dive into the deeper questions of life.
We believe the best for students to grow in their faith and with each each other is through serving!

Check out some of the minsitries we have at Mundy Naz for our studnets to plug into!